It is often said that the most complicated Problems have quite simple Solutions.
The Supreme powers that created You and Me cheap air vapormax plus sunset , also created the conditions and components for us to live a long, healthy and satisfying life on this planet.
The Secret Ingredient Good organic food from the ground, Clean Air or more specifically Oxygen, and Clear Healthy Water from the springs are some of the major blessings we started with.
Let鈥檚 start by remembering a crucial fact: without water, there would be no life on our planet. Water is of utmost importance to the life of all living beings that inhabit the Earth.
Although this resource is found in abundance on our planet (about 70% of the surface is composed of water), only 4% of the water is suitable for consumption.
Let us see how this limited resource holds all of the secrets to a long and healthy life.
Hidden Benefits of Water cheap air max 90 mens ultramarine , that Nobody Told You Before In your human body, this vital substance exerts various activities essential to ensure the proper balance and functioning of Life force.
Water is an essential component of all your body tissues, constituting 50-75% of your body. It allows for the execution of the most diverse chemical reactions necessary for your life.
Water For Health
After oxygen, what your body will miss the MOST is Water, hence the importance of maintaining a good body hydration. As your body does not accumulate water, the ingestion of this substance is fundamental. Without water cheap air max 90 south beach , your body will only continue to function for 2 or 3 days, while without food it can survive for a few months.
Now, most everyone agrees that water is very important for our health, right? But do you know why?
I am going to break down the 20 reasons why you literally cannot live without water.
#1: It is the main component of your cells, but is also found outside these structures (extracellular fluid). Among the cells that have the most water, those located in your muscles and in the viscera are the most prominent ones.
#2: Water plays a key role in the structure and function of the circulatory system since it is responsible for 95% of the composition of your plasma cheap nike react element 87 white , the so-called liquid part of your blood.
#3: Since water is part of the composition of blood plasma, it is essential for the transport of substances, such as oxygen, nutrients and mineral salts.
#4: Water is a powerful solvent and is related to virtually every reaction in our body, since these reactions occur in aqueous media.
#5: Another important aspect of water is its participation in physiological processes. In digestion, for example cheap nike react element 87 light bone , this substance is part of the composition of digestive juices and saliva, which are fundamental to the breakdown of food. Besides digestion, water also acts on absorption and excretion.
Water For Health
#6: In addition to bringing nutrients to the cells, water provides the elimination of substances out of the body. This is the case of urine, which is basically formed by water (around 95%) and dissolved toxic constituents andor substances in excess.
#7: Water also plays a role in regulating body temperature. When the heat becomes intense, the human body starts releasing sweat cheap nike react element 87 black , which has water in its composition. Upon contact with the environment, the sweat evaporates on the surface of the skin, causing the body to cool down.
#8: In addition to participating in the composition of sweat, water also forms tears, that are an essential liquid for the proper functioning of the eyes. Tears prevent dryness of the corneas and clean these structures.
#9: We cannot forget the protection guaranteed by water. Membranes that surround the nervous system (meninges), for example cheap air max 96 , are lubricated by the liquor, a water-rich substance that provides mechanical protection to this system. Joint fluids also have water and protect the bones from friction. In addition, the amniotic fluid protects the fetus from impacts during the development of life.
#10: Water is very important when it comes to breastfeeding because milk contains around 87% water.
#11: It helps with the gas exchange in the lungs alveoli, removing the oxygen-poor products resulting from the combustion of energy, along with water vapor.
#12: It produces satiety, therefore helping those who are trying to lose weight. This happens because when water is combined with fibers it results in an increase of its volume cheap air max penny 1 , delaying gastric emptying, which in turn will delay hunger.
Water For Health
Besides that, water is considered a fundamental tool for losing weight because it can replace alcohol, soft drinks and bottle juices, which contain lots of sugar and calories. It also eliminates or reduces hunger because you often think you are hungry when you are thirsty.
#13: Drinking plenty of water promotes increased metabolic rate. For example, drinking 2 liters of water per day can produce an increase in caloric expen