Problem statement The feminization of poverty refers to the phenomena of the increasing female proportion of the population in poverty or low incomes. It is the social process in which incident of poverty among women become higher than among men. The changes in the structure of family and workplace cheap air max sale , social policy, life expectancy, social security provisions, and other factors in the society have contributed to the feminization of poverty. In this paper, it focuses on the problem of the feminization of poverty cheap air max shoes , which is prevalent in the society. Literature review The feminization of poverty is not just a consequence of the lack of income, but it is also as a result of deprivation of opportunities and the gender biases that are present in the society and governments. In regards to poverty, the disproportionate number tends to comprise women and children. Recently, the proportion of children and women who are living at or below the poverty line has been increasing. The feminization of poverty is not only a national phenomenon, but it is global (Rehman& Chaudhary 2009). In the US cheap air max , the feminization of poverty is as a result of several factors. They include a decline in the proportion of elderly living below or at poverty level, the dramatic growth of families in which women are the head of the household, and the continued gender stratification with the concomitant wage inequality between men and women. The increasing number of young women heading the households is because of the extended families that are the center of familial life being increasingly replaced by nuclear families. In this case, a divorced woman is likely to set up her household instead of moving back in with her parents. Because of this, it tends to create a situation of a new female head of household. Some researchers claim that the feminization of poverty is as a result of a lower education achievement among women. However , statistics tend to indicate that the education levels have been increasing for women since World War II. The lack of income tends to deprive women some of the basic needs such as shelter, food, and it also limits their chance for advancement (Moghadan, 2005). As women continue to earn less income as compared to men disproportionately, they tend to be deprived the basic education and healthcare and in return it does lower their lifetime earning ability. Another issue is that some of the responsibilities which are associated with motherhood also contribute in limiting the economic attainment of women (Moghadan cheap nike air max , 2005). Rehman and Chaudhary (2009) conducted a study to investigate the impact of gender inequality in education in rural poverty in Pakistan. From the study, it concluded that the gender inequality in education tends to have an effect on rural poverty. The findings of the study suggested that the female-male enrolment, the female make total ration of schooling, female-male literacy ratio, and the female-male ratio of earners and education of rural household poverty while the household size and the female-male ratio tend to correlate with the probability of being poor positively. The rise of the female participation in the low urban cheap air max pink , return, informal sector activities is considered as evidence of feminization of poverty (Kimenyi&Mbaku 2010). Because of the household survival strategies during the economic restructuring, there tend to be increasing reliance on the informal sector employment for women and men. The insecurity and lower earning capacity evident in the informal sector tend to be seen as a reason for the feminization of poverty. Due to the concentration of women in casual labor in the informal sector, the legislative measures have excluded or not enforced about their economic activities. When women are poor, it tends to impact children cheap air max red , families, and the whole economy negatively and despite these impacts, feminization of poverty continues to persist (Kimenyi&Mbaku 2010). There tend to be certain policies in America, which are meant to keep women afloat and provide them with a fair shot at the financial stability and economic opportunities. However, the policies gave not been effective in ending the workplace discrimination and other issues that tend to hold women back. The