The Law Of Attraction Action: Step One... How To ASK Self Help Articles | March 2 Davinson Sanchez Colombia Jersey , 2010 Quickly and easily become clear on what you want by categorizing your intentions into 7 sections. Asking for what you want... the Law of Attraction step by step.
It's time to purposely attract abundance, wealth, love, & happiness into your life.
To begin the Law of Attraction action in your life, embrace step one: ASK for what you truly desire.
It can be easy, but many people let their current situations & surroundings determine who they are. They experience what ever comes to them... lacking intention and desire.
The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts become things. What you think, feel, & believe to be true, is what you experience in life.
The three steps to the Law of Attraction are: Ask, Believe, & Receive. Here we focus on the first one: To Ask. (They are all fully described on my blog posts.)
As you become clear on what you want, you are Asking. Your thoughts and feelings of what you want, create the manifestation of your goal. Ask the Universe, Yourself, God, etc, for what you want. They all represent creation.
Before you Ask, however, understand that you're entitled to everything good that life has to offer. Every person deserves to be joyful in every way. There are infinite resources that help make what you want, a reality. There is enough for everyone. As you think of wanting something, it is created Daniel Torres Colombia Jersey , instead of taken from someone else. You represent a potential of limitless creations. That is the beauty of being One with life itself.
You want to be specific with your thoughts because you attract what you think about. If you know exactly what you want in life, you generate thoughts toward those things.
What are your passions? How much do you want to make: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? How do you want to serve others? What type of relationships do you want?
If you can't answer these questions as you read them, then you have some figuring out to do. Make sure you know what you want for every aspect of your life.
Ask for what you want by organizing your life's intentions, or goals, into 7 categories.
7 Dream Goal Categories
1. Career & Life Goals Example: business, job, online business, author Cristian Zapata Colombia Jersey , inventor, speaker, creative, paint, dance, learn language, play piano, etc.
I am a successful store manager in my job. I am an entrepreneur of internet businesses. I am a best selling author of personal growth books. I play Beethoven's Fur Elise beautifully on the piano. I speak, read, and write French fluently.
2. Finance Goals Example: daily, weekly Cristian Bonilla Colombia Jersey , monthly, annual income, cash for investment, residual income, cash flow, cash on hand, cash in bank, unexpected money received, etc.
I receive $20,000 monthly by December 2010. I have $100,000 to invest as I desire. I receive unexpected checks of $1 Carlos Valderrama Colombia Jersey ,000 in the mail. I have a net worth of $10,000,000.
3. Pleasure & Adventure Goals Example: home, vehicle, clothes, boat, computer, travel, cruise, skydive, wild animals Carlos Sanchez Moreno Colombia Jersey , scuba dive, etc.
I live in my mansion on 123 Main St. I drive a S Class Black Mercedes Benz. I go on a seven day cruise to Hawaii. I enjoy an African Safari adventure with my family in Summer of 2010.
My ideal partner is considerate, caring, and courageous. My father and I go out and bond every Sunday. My co-workers respect my decisions at work. My business partner is responsible and organized.
5. Spiritual Goals Example: consciousness, spirituality, religion Carlos Bacca Colombia Jersey , meditate, read, etc.
I meditate thirty minutes twice daily. I read a personal growth book every week. I understand that I am love & light. I enjoy the journey of my abundant life.
6. Health Goals Example: exercise, drink water, eat healthy, etc.
I am at my ideal weight of 130 lb. I easily drink 64 ounces of water daily. I jog two miles, three times a week. I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables daily.
7. Service Goals Example: charity, community involvement, sponsor organization, build school, etc
I help disabled children by donating $500 monthly their organization. I play music for hospital patients. I help build schools and homes in Honduras. I make cancer patients laugh with my jokes.
You've completed a major step. Now that you know what you want Camilo Vargas Colombia Jersey , be consistent with having these thoughts. Feel as though your dream goals are already yours (which is the second step: Believe).
Everything that you want is happening now. You may not see it in front of you, but the Universe instantly begins to process the law of attraction manifestation of what you want. Stay focused on your desires and trust that they are there, FOR YOU.
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