In the book Marcus Mariota Jersey , The Blond Knight of Germany, American authors Toliver and Constable detail the life of the greatest fighter pilot to ever fly, Germany's Erich Hartmann. During WWII, Hartmann recorded 352 confirmed in-flight victories. To put it into perspective Tennessee Titans Jersey , very few American fighter pilots reached 100 in-flight victories. Simply put, Erich Hartmann reached levels of greatness most fighter pilots can only dream about.
Would you like your business to achieve such levels of greatness? A common way to learn from the success of others is to look at what they did and adapt it to your situation. Here are two ways Hartmann reached success, use them to turn your company's brand into a Blond Knight.
1) Know Your Enemy: "If you are unable to beat your enemy at his own game, it is nearly always better to adopt some striking variant." - Winston Churchill (intro to Chapter 4 of The Blond Knight of Germany.)
Hartmann's Use: He created a Pilot's Handbook of Enemy Strength that outlined all of the planes his enemies flew. It detailed the strengths and weaknesses and the best approaches in defeating them. He was rarely surprised by what the enemy was capable of doing.
Your Use: Don't depend on your personality and hard work to propel your brand beyond the competition. Learn all you can about your products Peyton Barber Jersey , your field, your competition, future competition, etc. Find out what you are up against and plan your strategy accordingly. Having a good idea O. J. Howard Jersey , being honest, and providing "great customer service" are not guarantees to the success of your brand. Knowing your enemy's strengthsweaknesses and how you honestly match up against them (and acting on this knowledge) is the greatest insurance for your brand's success.
2) Be First: "If you can't be first, create a category in which you can be." - Al Ries & Jack Trout
Hartmann's Use: Erich Hartmann said it best, "The pilot who sees the other first already has half the victory." Playing catch up is not a fun position when you are thousands of feet in the air.
Your Use: Catch up also is not fun when thousands of your dollars are at stake. Avoid playing catch up by creating a new category. Even the slightest difference in focus can establish you as a category leader - instead of another brand in an overcrowded category. Dell computers built their brand on selling direct to the consumer. Started in 1984 by a college student (soon-to-be a college drop-out Vita Vea Jersey ,) Dell computers currently ranks as the leader in most computer manufacturer categories across the globe. Competitors such as IBM and HP have now tried to offer consumer-direct service. However, Dell was first in the category and it appears they will stay that way.
Erich Hartmann used a one-two punch combination of Know Your Enemy and Be First to become the best fighter pilot in history - The Blond Knight. You can use the approach to help build your brand. Performed with confidence, this combination is sure to grow your business. Meaning: more customers, more profits Devin White Jersey , more enjoyment - that proves it, blonds (blond brands that is) do have more fun!
So you are interested in working from home and of course what better way than to start an online business on the Internet. You have heard and read about all the dot com millionaires and you see no reason if some 17 year old can do it then certainly why cant you.
Having finally made the decision to start your online business you start searching the Internet for opportunities and low and behold you are completely flooded with everything from selling bathroom appliances to psychological study courses. According to the author of the web site this is the next boom industry and you can't fail to make a million by a week on Friday as long as you do exactly as he says.
Well you never expected to have to make a decision this soon in your online business career, which way to turn, what would be the best business to go with Mike Evans Jersey , and what's all this MLM thing they keep mentioning.
MLM, or multi level marketing is a form of business practice that receives or has received a fair amount of bad press and to be honest in some cases justifiably so. However, in these cases of bad press it was not MLM that should be blamed but the individual companies their selves that were using the MLM business format.
MLM, is a solid way of forming a business structure if used by a company with integrity and for the individual can indeed lead to a successful online business experience. Indeed Jameis Winston Jersey , MLM by its very nature provides that all participants strive to assist each other in making a successful business to enrich the group as a whole.
The only requirement in the MLM business is that you work to promote your business and as a group work to help each other, and if this simple idea is followed through with then all can succeed.